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Brigitte & Pharah - Part III

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A dropship descended from a blue cloudless sky, hovering over a helipad of a newly renovated Overwatch facility in sunny Ilios. Pharah awaited her on the pad, wearing jeans and a black leather jacket, with aviator sunglasses.

When the dropship lowered its ramp, out came a wide-smiling Brigitte carrying her luggage. She was in a brown tee shirt and short shorts that instantly caught the Egyptian’s eye.

They met just as the engines were winding down and embraced each other in a warm hug. They had never kissed before… and yet now it came so easily to them. What began as an affectionate little peck turned into a passionate kiss and was verging on the inappropriate when they pulled away from one another and took deep breaths to collect themselves.

“Missed you.” Brigitte whispered.

“Right back ‘atcha.” Fareeha grinned.

Even though they were going to be on stand-by for several days until the operation, the two of them wasted little time. It was Brigitte’s first time in the facility at Ilios and rather than acquaint herself with her room, she was instead whisked away to a room Fareeha had prepared for just this occasion.

It had a bed and modest furnishings but most important of all, a full-length mirror across one of the walls in front of a bench she pulled out from the gym and converted into a makeshift… pillory of sorts. Upon a table she laid out all her toys, old and new. They were both looking forward to this…

“I’m going to get more comfortable.” Pharah cooed, taking some clothes out of a drawer and skulking into the bathroom.

“Me too.” Brigitte softly laughed, already unbuttoning her shorts.

Fareeha came out in black leather, her breasts bare. She was wearing thigh-high boots and an ebon strap-on. In one hand she held a pair of handcuffs and in the other a ball gag.

The Swede awaited her in a fishnet top and nothing else. She looked so doe-eyed now- gone was the confident woman who sent her pictures of a cock between her tits. Brigitte knew better than to try and out-domme a woman like Pharah… and that pleased her just fine.

In short order she was handcuffed and on her knees, sucking off the synthetic cock just in case she didn’t know her place yet.

“That’s all you got?” Fareeha teased, grabbing the shieldmaiden by the ponytail and skull-fucking her right away.

Brigitte squirmed, little mewls of “mmph” and “mmfh” escaping from her lips as she deepthroated the artificial phallus. This was a long time coming… When Brigitte sent her a video of her sucking dick, the only thought that crossed her mind was, ‘I can skull fuck her harder than that…’

Fareeha wanted to press home the point that Brigitte hadn’t been with anyone who actually knew how to use their cock before now. Even if she was already in a submissive mode, a statement had to be made.

Once Brigitte was good and red in the face, Pharah put her down in a chair and took a massaging wand to her sex.

“I want you nice and warmed up for me.” She cooed, running the wand in circles around the girl’s sex. It hummed and buzzed against her clit and soon Brigitte was dripping all over the chair and down to the ground. Ready and waiting to get fucked.

Fareeha broke her in. She bid her wear a ball gag and watch herself in the mirror getting fucked. The Egyptian enjoyed the view as well, biting her lip at the sight of Brigitte’s exerted expression and her tits swaying in that mesh top. The shieldmaiden’s muffled moans echoed off of the walls, growing more desperate and needy.

They went at it until Pharah got tired, which meant that Brigitte must have been utterly exhausted. Were she not being held by the wrists to get fucked, the younger woman would have probably collapsed under her own weight long ago.

At the end of it all, when Brigitte was finally afforded some respite, Pharah took off the restraints, took off her own strapon, and together they went to the bed. The Swede felt like she had just got back from the gym- exhausted …but also so very satisfied. She was panting, her chest raising and falling with every labored breath. Fareeha laid on her side, looking over her lover appraisingly.

“That’s… all you got?” Brigitte asked with an exhausted smile.

“Not enough for you?” Pharah asked, “You want to put on even more weight, huh?”

“Make me sweat, coach.” Brigitte giggled and rolled over to embrace her gym partner turned girlfriend. Together they drifted off to sleep…

Pharah woke up before her lover and got ready for the day, showered and dressed just as Brigitte was rousing from her slumber.

“Mmmmm.” The squire moaned from bed, “What’s the plan today?”

Pharah had traded the jeans for a skirt and stockings with a pair of heels. When Brigitte rubbed her eyes and sat up, she saw that the other woman was already fully dressed, “You, uh… going somewhere?”

“Since we’ve got the time and you said last night wasn’t enough, I thought we’d have ourselves a little party so I could watch you get fucked some more.” The Egyptian grinned.

Brigitte sheepishly smiled, “You know what I like…”

“Oh I’ve got plans for you.” Fareeha marched over to the bed, “So you better get ready.”

… … …

Come mid afternoon, Brigitte was staring at herself in the mirror. She was bent over on a stool, her hands handcuffed to the legs and her ankles bound together by an iron bar. Pharah came up behind her, smiling in the reflection as she brought her hands to Brigitte’s cheeks. She slipped a ball gag into her mouth and fastened it tight around her head.

“Mmph.” The shieldmaiden almost blushed!

Fareeha slipped the massaging wand onto a stand behind her and brought it up flush against her womanhood. Brigitte blinked, unsure of what the cold and smooth sensation upon her sex was… until with a flick of a button, it began a very slow rumble- the motor barely crawling.

“Mmmm..” Brigitte cooed from under the ball gag.

“You stay right here.” Pharah said with a grin, “I’ll be back to get you some… workout partners.”

“Mm.” The girl hummed.

“I got the controls right here.” Pharah said, waving her phone around. With a swipe of her thumb, the rumbling against Brigitte’s pussy intensified, “You’ll know when I’m turned on when I turn you on. Could be when I see a hot guy I want you to meet… or maybe I’ll crank it up just ‘cause I’m thinking of you…”


Fareeha brought it back down to a low rumble. After just the slightest hint of stimulation, Brigitte was already getting quite wet in anticipation. The Egyptian bent over, her lips brushing up against the Swede’s ear, “Think of it as a test of your discipline.”

… … …

Pharah hit the greek nightlife, mingling in with the crowds. She danced, she drank, she got bored and played with Brigitte a little. She was devising a short-list of candidates in her head as she partied, eventually narrowing it down to two young studs.

The most important quality is that they were comfortable with sharing. So far she had played coy and been pretty evasive, but their persistence won off and she brought them both to a booth in the corner of the club. They sat on each side of her.

“Hey.” She said, bringing out her phone, “What do you think of this?”

They both craned their heads to her shoulders to get a good look as she brought up her month-long exchange of texts with Brigitte. She scrolled to each and every image, starting with the oldest ones when they were both much more cautious…

“She’s hot, yeah?” Fareeha asked with a smile, “That’s my girlfriend.”

There was a moment’s hesitation from the two men, as if they were wary that this was some kind of test or something, but then as she got to the steamier pictures, all the way to the videos of Brigitte getting fucked, the realization dawned upon them what this was leading towards.

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“You want to fuck her?” She asked, looking to one and then the other.

“What about you?” The man to her left asked.

She dropped her hand down to his groin and started stroking him outside his clothes, “I’ll warm you up on the way over, don’t worry…” She turned to the other one, “I want you to fuck her brains out.”

“Sure thing.” The man promised with a suave smile, leaning in to kiss her. As she made out with them both to whet their appetites, Fareeha returned to the app controlling the vibrator and made sure Brigitte got the message- ‘We have a winner.’

… … …




Brigitte had grown more accustomed to her eyes being closed than open in such a state. The low rumbling was torturously gratifying- sadistically pleasurable. She was on the cusp of orgasm so many times, only to be denied by chance. Sometimes the vibration would cease all together, ensuring the sensation never dulled.

After what felt like hours, the door opened and bathed the darkened room in light. She saw Pharah leading the way, pulling a man in by the belt buckle. Another soon followed after him. Two fine looking Greek men, walking in with the sort of swagger possessed only by a man who knows he’s about to get laid.

“Mhmmm~” She cooed in relief, eyes half-closed.

Pharah went over and attended to her girlfriend first, shutting off the wand and kneeling down in front of her. She took off the ball gag, now absolutely slathered in spittle as it hung around Brigitte’s neck.

“You good?” Phareeha asked with a waggle of her eyebrows.

“T-thank you.” Brigitte panted with a smile, her eyes following in the mirror the two figures behind her. Pharah instinctively looked behind her to the reflection instead of the men themselves, then she stroked Brigitte’s hair.

“You like your new partners?” The Egyptian asked.

The girl nodded with a smile. They were already getting undressed, their pants to the floor and their hard cocks straining against their underwear. Pharah had already gotten a look and a little bit of a taste of them already to get them nice and ready. She started to strip down to her lingerie.

A few moments later the men joined them, completely naked and eager to get started. One took his position behind her, stroking himself. He rubbed his cockhead against her sensitive pussy lips, making her whole body quiver and shake in her restraints. It was one thing to be stimulated by a machine and put in this position- it was entirely another to be toyed with by a living breathing man…

“Damn, she’s soaking wet…” He said, easing himself inside.

“She ought to be.” Pharah said with a grin.

Brigitte’s only response was a strained, “Haaah” as she was finally being filled. After all that teasing, the feeling of relief was almost orgasmic in and of itself.

He wasted little time, slapping his palms on each of her ass cheeks and giving them a squeeze. The man started up a rhythm that soon sent her body rocking on the stool- he wasn’t even going to wait for his counterpart to get into position.

Pharah grabbed Brigitte’s ponytail and lifted her head up, putting her hand on the other man’s butt and guiding the two together. The Swede eagerly parted her lips and took his cock between them. The ball gag around her slender neck swayed as she heaved back and forth, her head bobbing on him.

Already she was letting out little muffled moans and sighs of delight. The man began to thrust, sensing that she could handle taking it a little rough. If she was dating a woman like Pharah, she just had to be tough!

Before long they started really giving it to her, assailing her body from each end. Her body was caught between the two of them, bodies slamming against her and sending her lithesome frame rolling on the stool. The sounds of wet smacking filled the room, as one man slammed Brigitte’s pussy and the other slid back and forth into her maw, his balls slapping against her spit-slathered chin.

Standing off to the side, like the eye of a storm, Pharah oversaw the spitroast. She wrapped her fingers in the girl’s hair and helped her along, shoving her whole head down on at least twenty centimeters of thick Greek cock.

Fareeha grinned as her girlfriend started to gag, the sounds of “Hghk, ghk, glkkh~” bouncing off the walls. She gave the man’s ass a nice squeeze, noting that she wouldn’t mind taking the strap-on to him sometime… if she didn’t already have so much planned for Brigitte.

He was starting to squirm and when she looked over to the other side, Fareeha noted the guy fucking Brigitte was starting to pace himself more conservatively. It figured he wouldn’t last very long, not with how wet and tight the girl was. She was putting her all into sucking off the other one too. Pharah eased up her grip, allowing them both some respite.

They continued at their own pace while she knelt down and began to remove Brigitte’s restraints- the ankle bar and handcuffs both. When she stood up, the trio all began to relax and await further instruction from their ‘coach’. They were all breathing hard, stiff cocks wet from both holes. She reached out and grabbed one, stroking it with a smile, “You ready for some fireworks?”

She turned to the other man, asking the same question with her eyes alone.

They nodded with eager smiles. Brigitte wasn’t getting a say in anything, though. As soon as she got up off of the stool, Pharah stuffed the ballgag back into her mouth and took one of the handcuffs dangling off her wrist and slapped it onto her other arm behind her back. She kicked the stool out of the way and pushed Brigitte down onto her knees.

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“Mhhmmph~” Brigitte looked up doe-eyed at the two studs holding their cocks before her. Pharah joined her on the floor, pulling her head back with a yank of her ponytail. She started jerking off the closest man, leaving the second to take care of himself.

She could feel how close he was by the way he was throbbing in her fist. Brigitte’s moans seemed to be setting him off and after one particularly needy whine, the man was starting to cum. Pharah grinned at the sight of his pleasured expression. Her gaze turned downwards just in time to watch the explosion of hot cum erupt from his cock.

He splattered across Brigitte’s tits, coating her fair skin white watery droplets. The Egyptian kept pumping her hand over his length as he came, spurring out more and more. He splashed her face and neck, cumming until he started to squirm and writhe from overstimulation.

She pivoted Brigitte over to the other one, presenting her for this next ‘offering’. The man moaned and brought himself to orgasm a moment later, blasting both women with his hot spunk. Pharah caught some on her nose, giving him a cheeky smirk for his audacity. He was definitely aiming at her, even if she was sitting cheek-to-cheek with the auburn-haired squire.

He bathed them in a deluge of white, moaning with every spurt until he was utterly spent.

Brigitte caught the lion’s share of it, the viscous fluid drooling down the womanly curves of her body. Pharah took a good look at her girlfriend, particularly amused by the way their semen glided over the smooth surface of the plastic ball gag, shiny and red. It mingled with her saliva, creeping into the little crevices between her lips and the material. Surely Brigitte could taste it…

“You’re gorgeous.” Pharah smiled.

“Mhmh~” Brigitte moaned.

“Nice work, you two.” She shot a glance to the men looming above them, “You can spend the night if you’d like. I think she’d like that too…”

“Mmhm~” Brigitte looked upon her with love and lust in her eyes.